Hovingham Methodist Church.
Church Street
YO62 4JX
A Grade II listed building situated off Main Street just to the right of All Saints Church on Church Street.
Service Time: Sunday at 10.30 am
The Chapel is open most days and for service on Sundays.
Welcome to Hovingham Methodist Chapel, which is situated in the centre of the village, near what would have been the old Market Place. The Chapel is behind the Parish Church and further behind the brick house Chestnut Cottage, also known as Chapel House. There is the wording Methodist Chapel on the gates. The postcode is YO62 4JX.

We meet for worship most Sunday mornings at 10.30am and we would love you to join us. If we are not here we will have joined our friends at the Anglican Church or at Slingsby Methodist Church, who we usually worship with on the 5th Sunday of the month, taking it in turns to either go there or for them to come to us. You can always check the details by clicking on the link on the Ryedale Methodist Circuit website.
We have not got a large Chapel congregation but our members are very active within the village, They help in organising the ecumenical Womens Fellowship, and have become practised performers in an ‘Open the Book’ team, acting out biblical scenes in another Junior School each week. We also help with the Shoebox Appeal.
Hovingham Methodist Chapel exists to promote the love of God as shown in Jesus Christ, through words and action in this community.
As we seek to become relevant to the community and to uphold Christian convictions and examples we will seek to build fellowship with each other, with individuals within the community and with members of other Christian denominations.
We undertake to consider the relevance of this Chapel to the community through
- Appraisal of our worship
- Our activity within the community
- Our reflections on moral and world issues
- Our developing prayer and fellowship
Minister in charge: Rev Peter Sheasby peter.sheasby@methodist.org.uk
Senior Steward: Mrs Sue Goodwill (01653) 628077 sue@goodwillnet.co.uk
Learn about the history of Hovingham Methodist Church by clicking on this link